Golden Chapters (Chain #4311)


Ascension, Acts 1
Backsliders, Hosea 14
Beatitudes, Matthew 5-7
Bread of Life, John 6
Brotherhood, Romans 14
Builders, Nehemiah 4
Burden-bearers, Galatians 6
Call, Universal, Isaiah 55
Call, Worker's, Isaiah 6
Chastening, 2 Corinthians 4, Hebrews 12
Confession, Psalm 51
Consecration, Philippians 3
Constancy, Ruth 1
Contrast, Deuteronomy 28
Converts, Psalm 32
Deliverance, Acts 12
Divinity, John 1
Dominion (Human), Psalm 8
Service, Romans 12
Faith, Hebrews 11
Flood, Genesis 7
Frailty, Psalm 39
Friendship, 1 Samuel 20
Fruit, John 15
Futility, Ecclesiastes 2
Gifts, 1 Corinthians 12
Gideon's Army, Judges 7
Hallelujah, Revelation 19
Hardship, 2 Corinthians 4, Hebrews 12
Heaven, John 14, Revelation 7, Revelation 21-22
Holy Spirit, John 14-16, Romans 8
Humility, John 13
Instruction, Proverbs 1
Intercession, John 17
Joy, Isaiah 12
Jubilee, Leviticus 25
Judgment, Matthew 25
Law, Exodus 20
Life Insurance, Exodus 12
Love, 1 Corinthians 13
Loyalty, Ruth 1
Messiah, Isaiah 53
Ministers, 1 Corinthians 4 

Missions, Psalm 72, Romans 10
New Covenant, Hebrews 8
Old Age, Ecclesiastes 12
Omniscience, Psalm 139
Overcomers, Revelation 2-3
Parables, Matthew 13
Passover, Exodus 12
Praise, Psalm 103
Prayer, Daniel 6, Luke 11, Luke 18
Prosperity, Psalm 73
Providence, Psalm 121
Refuge, Numbers 35
Regeneration, John 3
Rest, Hebrews 4
Resurrection, 1 Corinthians 15
Revival, 2 Chronicles 30, Luke 3
Safety, Psalm 91
Service, Luke 10
Shepherd, John 10
Spiritual Warfare, Ephesians 6
Teachers, 1 Corinthians 2
Temperance, Proverbs 23
Tithing, Malachi 3
Tongue, James 3
Transfiguration, Matthew 17
Unity, Ephesians 4
Vanity, Ecclesiastes 2
Watchmen, Ezekiel 33
Water of Life, John 4
Wisdom, Proverbs 3
Women, Proverbs 31
Word of God, Deuteronomy 6
Worship, Psalm 84